纪悟瑞 GADBURY高级手工西服定制旗舰店





Every Scabal tailored garment is measured using techniques from Londons Savile Row. Scabal has provided the finest tailoring fabrics to tailors and garment makers internationally.


1991年,推出创纪录的super150支面料,随后是180支,200.直到现在号称"巅峰"(summit)Super 250支毛料,价格超过2000英镑每米。除了在面料纱支支数上领先业界,Scabal还推出了面料中加入黄金线、白金线、蓝宝石粉、钻石粉末以制成具有特殊光泽的面料,如加黄金、白金线的 gold treasure150支面料,加钻石粉末的diamond chip系列等。


From its conception, over 170 years ago, Holland & Sherry has continued to supply prestigious tailors and luxury brands with the finest cloth. In 1836 Stephen George Holland & Frederick Sherry began the business as woollen merchants at 10 Old Bond Street, London, specialising in both woollen and silk cloths.

1836Holland&Sherry由史蒂芬.乔治.贺兰(Stephen George Holland)和弗雷德里克.榭瑞(Frederick Sherry)创立于Old Bond大街,从170多年前 Holland&Sherry便一直向高端西装订制和奢侈品牌供应高档面料,现总部位于伦敦的萨维尔街(Savile Row)。


In 1842, Jules Dormeuil created a family business that would soon become world leader in supplying luxury fine cloths. For 170 years, The House of Dormeuil has developed timeless and iconic fabrics that have cemented the Companys reputation across all five continents.

法国品牌DORMEUIL(多美)拥有一百六十三年历史,已经历五代变迁。 自一八四二年,DORMEUIL已成为著名的男装品牌,带来优质细致、剪裁出众的男士服饰,营造典雅俊朗的形象。

DORMEUIL的西装设计细致,布料柔软舒适,悠然自得的造型全面配合男士们的独特个性。 DORMEUIL品牌糅合House of Dormeuil的英式传统,并注入创新的设计灵感,以世代相传的精湛工艺设计各款服饰。



Originally from Trivero, the Loro Piana family started as merchants of wool fabrics at the beginning of the 19th century. Franco Loro Piana, Pier Luigis father, started exporting fine fabrics in the 1940s and Pier Luigi and his older brother, Sergio, joined in the 1970s.

来自Trivero Loro Piana家族是十九世纪初的毛绒织品商人,Pietro Loro Piana1924424日一手创立现有的Loro Piana公司。家族经营至今已是第六代,为讲求品味及对质量有要求的顾客提供上等的羊绒与羊毛,因而成为全球最大的cashmere制造商及最大的羊毛采购商。


Drago is a wool mill founded in 1973 by Umberto and Laura Drago in Biella, Italy. Their son, Paolo Drago, is the current President and CEO. The mill produces 1,750,000 meters of fabrics per year. Drago fabrics are exported all over the world. Drago sells some fabric under its own brand, but sells mainly under other brand labels.



Ermenegildo Zegna is an Italian luxury fashion house that makes men's clothing and accessories.Founded in 1910 when Ermenegildo bought his father's textile looms, it is now managed by the fourth generation of the Zegna family and remains in family ownership.

1910年,不到20岁的埃尔梅内吉尔多•杰尼亚(Ermenegildo Zegna),在意大利比耶拉开了一间手工纺织作坊。最初这间简陋的作坊,只能生产一些小块的羊毛面料。后来事业有所发展后,杰尼亚就召集流落街头的纺织技工,开始生产精细的羊毛面料,与垄断全球精羊毛市场的英国人展开竞争。埃尔梅内吉尔多去世后,他的两个儿子继承了家族企业。

Zegna 对完美的追求是:将精致的风格织入面料,以及从不会让顾客感到失望。纯棉,加入弹性纤维的棉,棉麻混纺等面料被自然完美地结合。羊毛、真丝混纺,High Performance 面料(杰尼亚的注册面料之一),Trofeo面料,羊绒、棉混纺以及新推出的羊毛和竹纤维所制成的面料让人耳目一新。另外需要指出的是这些面料十分轻便。让所有人感到意外的是,牛仔面料也如同羽毛般的轻盈。


Huddersfield Cloth Ltd are specialist English cloth merchants, providing genuine English cut length cloths and a unique online experience. We are a worldwide gateway to hundreds of years of the finest English craftsmanship and the heritage of Huddersfield, Yorkshire.

Our online portal has been designed for and dedicated to the service of Tailors, Couturiers, Designers, Costumiers, and Retailers worldwide.

Our industry-leading instant basketallows our trade customers to create orders faster and smarter, with custom fields to allocate cloth ordered through us to each job or customer as required.

sample books provide a colourful, professional way to showcase our cloths.


Dugdale Bros remains an independent, family owned Huddersfield firm founded in 1896. In a world of globalisation, we are proud to have used these rare skills here in the heart of Yorkshire to design and manufacture a range of exceptional cloth to meet the high standards sought by today's customer.

1896年,Dugdale Bros & Co(道格代尔)由Henry PercyFrederick Herbert Dugdale创立在最负盛名的英国约克郡纺织工业园。自创建以来,Dugdale一直向世界源源不断地供应着优良的面料,不断优化生产设备,百年唯一不变的是它仍以约克郡的河水处理其布料,赋予布料独一无二的手感。


The Italy brand Draper was originally a term for a retailer or wholesaler of cloth that was mainly for clothing. A draper may additionally operate as a cloth merchant or a haberdasher.

Drapers(德雷普斯) 总部位於意大利中北部、歷史浓厚的 Cologne,由 Arturo Lolli 1956年创办,儿子 Domenico Lolli 继承并经营至今。品牌出品的布料,由意大利和英国最享负盛名的布坊所製作,当中以 Vitale Barberis Canonico 最具代表性。布料选择没有花哨的款式,回归素材的基本。视觉、触觉的表达较为纯粹,用家能较易想象成品的效果。有主要三大系列,Portosole - 顏色多样、层次丰富。当中以羊毛、马海毛(安哥拉山羊毛)、麻、丝混纺而成的布料,手感轻盈饱满,是订製休閒外套的绝佳选择。Summers Days - 布料通爽透气,以纯色为主。平心而论,这系列与 Vitale Barberis Canonico Sunny Season Classics 有很多相似之处,客人可以细心比较再作选择。The Bingley - 专为礼服而设,色泽鲜明且花纹华丽,部分布料更专属 Drapers 所有。


Vitale Barberis Canonico is an Italian fabric mill established in 1663, located about 50 miles north of Milan in the northern Biella region. Francesco Vitale Barberis is the current creative director.

VBC维达来(Vitale Barberis Canonico)始创于1663年,诞生在意大利Biella(比埃拉)山区的一个家族中。尤其擅长精纺110(Super110S)140(Super 140S)高级成衣面料,用于制作高端职业装和商务套装,以经典庄重的设计风格闻名世界。国际上许多著名的政治家在重要场合都选择穿着维达来(VBC)面料制作的服装。维达来(VBC)年产高级精纺面料超过700万米,为目前意大利高档毛类面料品牌产销量之最。


The name Huddersfield is known and recognized for the high quality of wool textiles, including later fine imitation of wool. Inheriting the spirit and craftsmanship of Huddersfield, Marling & Evans, Huddersfield Cloth is based in the heart of the kern river in the United Kingdom to promote the finest English wool Cloth to the rest of the world.

Huddersfield Cloth 位于英国西约克郡的哈德斯菲尔德镇。18世纪初,科恩河谷当地居民发现科恩河和霍 姆河拥有独特的优良水质,有利于羊毛清理。19世纪,随着纺织工厂数量的增加,当地的纺织业飞速 发展,从羊毛原料到完成编织达到一体化生产。

Huddersfield这名字因高质量的羊毛纺织品,包括后来的精仿羊毛而被大家熟知认可。 Huddersfield Cloth传承了哈德斯菲尔德镇, Marling& Evans的精神及工艺,以位于英国科恩河的核心位置做为基地,把英格最优质的羊毛布料推广到世界各地。


changing the name to what is known today as "Harrisons of Edinburgh".Harrisons established itself as specialists in Pure Cashmere suitings, jacketings and coatings.

In addition, and to compliment the collection, we also became known for business and less formal suitings in Super 100's, 120's, 150's & 180's in Merino Wool.

1863年,George Harrison爵士收购了一家布料公司,在爱丁堡市钱伯斯街成立Harrisons of Edinburgh。后来,哈里森爵士曾任爱丁堡市长及贵族院议员。

145年来,Harrisons一直是伦敦萨维尔街名大定制店广泛采用的正宗英国面料,曾评为全球五大面料品牌之一,有很多第一称号,“羊绒面料第一”、“克数面料第一”、“里布第一”。Harrisons 330克以上的面料,公认较其他英国品牌为优(包括ScabalDormeuil)。


In the accumulation of history, Albini has accumulated rich and solid industry experience. In the selection of raw materials, testing, and production at each stage of the control of the application of very classic technology, with advanced loom and finishing process, product quality and production efficiency is constantly improved.

Albini于1876年成立于靠近贝加莫的ALBINO,至今已有一百四十余年的历史,是目前意大利知名的衬衫面料生产厂。在历史的积淀中,Albini积累了丰富坚实的行业经验。在原材料的选择、检测,以及生产中每一阶段的控制上,都应用非常经典的技术,配合先进的织机和后整理工艺,产品质量和生产效率不断提高。 自1876年起,Albini将生产精美的面料作为自己的使命,旗下产品涵括70支、100支、120支、140支、170支、200支、240支等风格各异、花型丰富的产品,现产品销往全世界六十多个国家。


Supreme quality is the condition on which Cerruti creativity and taste are based. In addition to being able to meet all technical specifications which make an item suitable for use, this product is also capable of concretely answering the customers needs and ensuring the highest satisfaction of their desires and expectations.

Cerruti 1881是意大利高级西服面料品牌,由nino cerruti创立于1881年,以生产高级布料起家的Cerruti,至今已创立125年,其精致手工及纱料倍受世界知名品牌的肯定,其高支纱毛料更是制作高级西装的可以选择]面料之一。自1950年由第三代Mr. Nino接手后,便开始发展全系列服饰及精品。注重生活品质及精神哲学的理念,使所创作出来的产品充分表现出静缢、优雅、简洁流畅的风格。许多名人也都是Cerruti 1881的常客,如亚兰德伦、迈克儿 道格拉斯、莎朗斯通,亚洲巨星周润发亦曾穿着Cerruti 1881的服饰出席奥斯卡颁奖典礼。


As a well-known fabric collection manufacturer, it has a history of more than 80 years. High class, exquisite, elegant, these characteristics are the best expression of the Canclini brand. So when you walk into a custom shirt shop and you're constantly changing from one fabric brand to another, don't worry Sir, you can't go wrong with Canclini.


作为久负盛名的面料集厂商,至今具有80多年的历史。高级、精美、优雅 、这些特质都是对Canclini品牌的最好表达。所以当你走进一家衬衫定制店,在众面料品牌中反复不定时,别纠结了先生,选择 Canclini绝对不会出错。


The Lanificio Fratelli Piacenza is a leading name in the production of high-quality fabrics and clothing. We are used to facing new challenges and have always been out there in front, pioneering ingenious solutions in a host of fields in our 300 years of history. The Piacenza family has a mission: to keep its natural inclination towards intuition focused on producing fabrics with innovative looks and performance, while respecting the craftsmanship that is still a hallmark of the wool mill to this day.



Wear a REDA outfit, let a person send out extraordinary noble temperament. This is what REDA's Valle Mosso mill has been pursuing. Innovation, fashion, individuality and elegance, as the representative of REDA values, have been permanently imprinted in every part of the development process of REDA. It is they that have made REDA the standard of reference for "made in Italy" products.

身着一件REDA服装,让人散发出非凡的高贵气质。这正是REDA位于Valle Mosso的毛纺厂所一直追求的精髓。创新、时尚、个性、优雅,作为REDA价值观的代表,已经永久烙印在REDA发展历程的每一部分。也正是它们,使REDA成为“意大利制造”产品的参照标准。

从意大利到欧洲,美国,乃至日本, 俄罗斯,REDA凭借卓越的品质及周到的服务,以及不断满足和甚至预见客户的各种需求,在与顶级男装品牌的密切合作中赢得了无数赞誉。除了这些现有的稳固市场,REDA还注重着眼于未来,积极关注市场潜力巨大的中国、印度和南美地区,这些市场的消费者十分欣赏意大利制造的时尚和品质。


Harris Tweed Hebrides, the award-winning company based at Shawbost on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis, now accounts for around 90 per cent of Harris Tweed production. We export to over 60 countries and our customers include Alexander McQueen, Chanel, YSL, Paul Smith, Margaret Howell, J Crew, Rag&Bone, and Vivienne Westwood.

Harris Tweed是一种面料的统称,是指:在苏格兰的外Hebrides群岛(Harris 岛、Lewis岛、North Uist岛、Benbecula岛、South Uist岛和Barra岛)范围内、用当地纯新羊毛手工捻纱、手工染色、手工纺织的、盖有“球与马耳他十字架”戳记、专业机构发放“球与马耳他十字”商标、专业机构编号的花呢面料,才是Harris Tweed